Thanks to our friends at Widcombe Association and our neighbours Widcombe Baptist Church, you can now support the British Heart Foundation right on our doorstep!

Located between the church's private car park and Claverton St 'Widcombe Shoppers' pay and display car park - both directly adjacent to The Apartment, Bath - a new BHF donation point has just been installed to enable convenient round-the-clock donations.
Placed in situ just in time for the end of the academic year, its convenient location is ideal for local students returning home for the summer - and those living nearby - wishing to support a worthwhile cause. Other donation points and BHF Shops in and around Bath can also be found via the Location Search on the BHF website.
The same initiative last year, with a Donation point located at the other end of Widcombe Parade, raised over £12,500 alone!
In 2017/18, the efforts of BHF supporters helped the charity raise more than £170 million: £128 million was spent on life saving research and support for heart patients, whilst £42 million was spent on the costs associated with generating income. In other words, for every £1 raised, around 75p went straight to funding research on heart and circulatory diseases, and the risk factors that cause them.

The donation point is suitable for "Clothes, books and things" and encourages shoes, handbags, CDs, DVDs, games, toys and homeware. Whilst the donation point is not suitable for blankets, carpets, cushions, glass, metal, paper, pillows, quilts, rags, rubbish, rugs and videos, a free collection can be arranged for furniture or large electrical items by visiting
And if you're wondering how on earth the heavyweight donation point got in to such a tight spot, we managed to catch the moment it was lowered in to place by crane!

Thanks to all partners involved in supporting the British Heart Foundation, so to those in and around Widcombe (plus guests and passers by!), get sorting and donate to BHF on our doorstep!